A qualified lawyer to effectively defend yourself in the most sensitive criminal proceedings
Even unintentionally or without being aware of it, an entrepreneur or the CEO may, unfortunately, find himself in unexpected situations or particularly insidious litigations that may not only jeopardize the existence of the company but also affect him personally, not only from a financial standpoint but also from a criminal one.
William Moretti, Lawyer and Partner of the Studio Associato dell’Avvocato Bellini, is specialized in protecting entrepreneurs and CEOs from corporate offenses, tax offenses, and bankruptcy, assisting them in the most complex and sensitive criminal proceedings, always guaranteeing a fiduciary relationship, strictest confidentiality, and full availability.
Our Consulting service allows entrepreneurs and CEOs to:
- eliminate or drastically reduce the liability resulting from alleged offenses committed in the interest of the Company;
- receive support on how best rearrange corporate or personal assets following claims as per Legislative Decree 231/2001 (administrative liability of legal persons).
This is what sets us apart:
- significant technical and legal expertise in the field of tax offenses, bankruptcy, and bid rigging;;
- high specialization in the field of corporate law, which allows us to provide effective support in making the best procedural choices.
If you wish to arrange a meeting at our law firm to discuss your matter in more details, please contact us with no obligation:
- By phone at 0331 62 08 24 (Gallarate) / 02 3031 67 66 (Milan)
- By e-mail at info@studiolegalebellini.eu
- Or fill out the form below and you will be contacted promptly